Let us help you to better understand yourself!

Synthesize tools as well as provide assessments to help you to deeply understand your strengths and weaknesses and find jobs that are more suitable for you.

MBTI Personality Test

The MBTI Test helps you better understand yourself. Let’s find out which your personality type as having one of 16 personality types

36 Viewed number
39 Used number

DISC Behavior Assessment

The DISC test is a type of test that assesses a focused individual behaviors and four personality traits during a given period.

36 Viewed number
59 Used number

Khám phá

Create CV, Cover letter

The CV templates are designed in a modern & diverse style and according to all industries. They are suitable for all students and staff.

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Công cụ tính lương

Chuyển đổi lương Gross và Net nhanh chóng, chính xác

Gross - Net


Through the MBTI Personality Test & DISC Behavior Assessment, you will deeply understand yourself.


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Các khuyến mãi ''khủng'' và voucher xịn xò đến từ các nhãn hàng lớn liên kết với HR1

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